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The Risks Associated with Rising Speed Limits

Throughout the United States, speed limits are going up. Within the past three years, five states have raised the speed limits on interstates to 80 miles per hour or more. In one state, the maximum speed limit is actually 85 MPH now. In states that have not yet jumped on the bandwagon of increasing speed limits, there is a lot of pressure on politicians to join the trend and let motorists go faster. Unfortunately, as Wired points out, raising speed limits can be extremely dangerous. Why? More crashes can occur and those crashes are more likely to be serious when cars [...]

By |November 28, 2022|Categories: Blog|0 Comments

The Risk of Highway Accidents: Is the Ferguson Effect Causing an Increase?

Driving safety laws are often broken, especially if people think that they can get away with things like speeding or impaired driving. Unfortunately, police cannot stop everyone, so motorists often think they can engage in unsafe behavior without consequences. The more people are subjected to dangerous risks on the road, and the less often they are pulled over by police, the greater the threat to road safety. When people break safety rules and cause crashes, victims should consult with Janesville auto accident lawyer Steve Caya to pursue claims for damages against these unsafe drivers. The Washington Post reports that there may be more [...]

By |November 28, 2022|Categories: Blog|0 Comments

The Holiday Season is Upon Us: Be Careful on the Roadways

Fall is a time to enjoy the changing seasons and celebrate holidays like Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, fall is also a dangerous time of year. The Thanksgiving holiday is typically a time when there is a significant increase in the risk of injuries happening.  A high number of collisions (especially impaired-driving crashes) over Thanksgiving mean that many motorists are at serious risk on the roads. If you are hurt in a crash during the holiday season, you need to consult with Steve Caya, a Janesville car accident injury attorney, to find out what options you have for pursuing a claim for compensation. Those [...]

By |November 28, 2022|Categories: Blog|0 Comments

Steve Caya Named One of Wisconsin’s Ten Best Personal Injury Attorneys for Client Satisfaction

For the third year in a row, attorney Steve Caya has been named by the American Institute of Personal Injury Attorneys as one of the Top Ten Personal Injury Attorneys in Wisconsin for Client Satisfaction. The award recognizes excellence in client service and satisfaction through superior professionalism and ethical representation. Contact me today for a free consultation. We take winning personally. Let’s get you EVERYTHING you’re owed. Let's Make Them Pay

By |November 28, 2022|Categories: Blog|0 Comments

Steve Caya Elected President of Friends of Noah

Attorney Steve Caya has been elected President of Noah. Friends of Noah is a Non Profit Organization whose main mission is the fostering and permanent placement of animals. Friends of Noah also provides community outreach and education concerning animal ownership and care. Friends of Noah further provides assistance to low income families with respect to food and veterinary care. “I am honored to have been chosen President of Friends of Noah” said Caya. “I have been legal counsel to this great organization for a number of years and look forward to continue serving along with a great Board of [...]

By |November 28, 2022|Categories: Blog|0 Comments

Passenger Safety in Small SUVs: A Janesville Personal Injury Attorney Discusses the Problem

Many people choose SUVs because they are supposed to be safe cars. Unfortunately, this is not necessarily the case — at least for passengers in the front seat of these vehicles. CNBC reported recently that crash tests involving many small SUVs had revealed problems with safety features affecting the front passenger seat. The crash tests were conducted by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety on seven small SUVs that had generally received good crash test ratings. The results were troubling. When accidents happen, safety features can and should help to prevent fatalities and serious injuries among car passengers. If there was [...]

By |November 28, 2022|Categories: Blog|0 Comments

A Closer Look at Nightshift Work and the Risk of Drowsy Driving Accidents

In 2014, 846 people were killed in car accidents attributed to drowsy driving. Fatal accidents represent only a small portion of the total number of collisions involving fatigued drivers. In fact, Journalist’s Resource from the Harvard Kennedy School’s Shorenstein Center reports that thousands, or even millions, of drowsy driving accidents happen annually. Estimates on the scope of the problem vary greatly, with data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration collected between 2005 and 2009 revealing an average of 83,000 drowsy driving-related accidents annually. A different report from a Special Commission on Drowsy Driving, however, estimated around 1.2 million fatigue-related collisions [...]

By |November 28, 2022|Categories: Blog|0 Comments

My Best Free Legal Advice

Everyone likes free stuff. Here is car accident lawyer Steve Caya’s best free legal advice. No one likes to think they or a family member may be injured in an accident, but let’s face it — the unexpected does happen. Accident victims can be placed in two categories: those who are fully and fairly compensated for their injuries and losses and those who are not. What separates the two? The answer is insurance. In every accident case, I have to analyze who is at fault, what are the injuries and damages and what is the source of compensation for my client’s injuries. [...]

By |November 28, 2022|Categories: Blog|0 Comments

Pokemon Go: Distracted Driving Issues Related to the Popular Video Game

Pokémon Go is a new concept in the field of video games because it involves the creation of an augmented reality. Players install an app on their phone and then must go outside into the real world and try to find Pokémon characters that the app makes appear in various locations.  The game is novel since it gets people out of the house, but it has quickly become apparent that there is a problem developing. Many people who play the game will end up driving to find Pokémon, which means many of them will be behind the wheel with [...]

By |November 28, 2022|Categories: Blog|0 Comments

The Risks Associated with Road Rage

Road rage is, unfortunately, very common among drivers throughout the United States. Road rage can prompt motorists to act in a variety of unsafe ways, significantly increasing the chances of auto accidents occurring. When and if a driver gives into road rage and causes a crash to happen, injured victims of the accidents or the loved ones of people whose lives are lost can pursue a claim for compensation. Attorney Steve Caya is a Janesville auto accident lawyer who helps victims hold angry drivers accountable for the consequences that their road rage causes. Unfortunately, there are far too many [...]

By |November 28, 2022|Categories: Blog|0 Comments

Nursing Home Abuse and Social Media Postings

In recent months, a disturbing trend has been occurring throughout the United States. Nursing home staff members have been taking pictures and/or videos of residents who are under their care. These photos and videos, unfortunately, sometimes appeared to show seniors being abused or neglected. Many of the videos also showed the nursing home resident in a compromised or embarrassing position. All of this is generally done without the senior’s permission and the pictures and videos posted on the Internet are usually without the consent of those who are being recorded or photographed. If nursing home residents are harmed by [...]

By |November 28, 2022|Categories: Blog|0 Comments

Drugged Driving

Drugged driving has become increasingly common, especially as attitudes towards marijuana have shifted nationwide and the drug has become more accepted for medicinal and recreational purposes. The rise in drugged drivers has come at an unfortunate time, as the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration indicates the number of drugged drivers has risen while there has been a big decline in the number of drunk drivers. While more people are driving after using drugs, this does not mean the behavior is acceptable. Driving while under the influence of legal or illegal drugs can significantly increase the risk of collisions if those drugs cause impairment and [...]

By |November 28, 2022|Categories: Blog|0 Comments

The Consequences of High Speed Auto Crashes

All car accidents have the potential to cause serious and often fatal injuries. Some crashes, however, are more likely to cause deadly accidents. In particular, high-speed crashes are significantly more likely to be fatal than collisions that occur at lower speeds. If someone you love is killed in a high speed car accident, a Janesville wrongful death law firm can assist you in making a claim for compensation. You should be able to recover monetary damages caused by the death, if another driver was responsible for causing the collision to occur. HIGHER SPEED LIMITS HAVE FATAL CONSEQUENCES A recent [...]

By |November 28, 2022|Categories: Blog|0 Comments

The Dangers of Drowsy Driving

Drowsy driving can have deadly consequences. As Consumer Reports warns, about a fifth of all car accidents that occur over the course of the year involve a driver who is fatigued. A driver who nods off for even five seconds could cause a devastating crash, as it is possible to travel the length of a full football field in this five second period of time. When a driver causes a collision while he is fatigued, the drowsy driver should be held accountable. A Janesville auto accident lawyer can provide assistance to crash victims in taking legal action to pursue a case [...]

By |November 28, 2022|Categories: Blog|0 Comments

The Importance of Purchasing Underinsured and Uninsured Coverage to Protect You and Your Family

If you or a loved one is injured in an accident, there are three factors that will determine whether you will be fully compensated for your loss: who is at fault; what injuries and damages did you suffer; and, FROM WHAT SOURCE WILL YOU BE COMPENSATED! I have placed this final factor in all caps because this issue is so important and so misunderstood by  consumers. If you or a loved one is seriously injured due to the negligence of another, it is likely the only source of money to compensate you for your losses is insurance. Most negligent [...]

By |November 28, 2022|Categories: Blog|0 Comments

Preventing Motorcycle Accidents: Keep These Tips in Mind

All drivers on area roadways should make a conscious effort to prevent collisions from occurring in order to avoid causing injury and taking lives. For motorcycle riders who face a significantly greater likelihood of sustaining serious injuries if an accident happens, the stakes are especially high. Motorcycle injury attorney Steve Caya has represented many victims of motorcycle accidents and has seen firsthand how devastating the aftermath of a collision can be. To try to help prevent other motorcyclists from suffering the tragic fate of being injured in an accident, Attorney Caya has created a YouTube video discussing motorcycle accident prevention tips. [...]

By |November 28, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

A Closer Look at Weather-Related Accidents

Winter in Wisconsin is slowly drawing to a close, which means that one of the most dangerous times on the road is coming to an end. Still, the dawn of spring does not mean bad weather is necessarily going away. Whenever conditions on the road are more dangerous due to weather-related issues, drivers must be extra cautious behind the wheel. A motorist who goes too fast for weather conditions or who otherwise makes unsafe choices could cause a serious crash. When this occurs, a Janesville car accident lawyer can provide representation to victims in helping them recover damages for [...]

By |November 28, 2022|Categories: Blog|0 Comments

How to Sue a Hotel for Negligence in Wisconsin

Hotels in Janesville, Madison, Milwaukee and throughout Wisconsin may be liable for injuries suffered by guests while on the premises. The most common causes of hotel accidents are slips, trips and falls, often in the parking lot, entrances or common areas. Slip and fall accidents can happen quickly and cause serious harm, like the $200,000 slip and fall case Steve Caya won for a client who suffered a severe knee injury, and the $125,000 slip and fall settlement won for a client who tripped on an uneven surface in a hotel entryway. If you’ve been injured after an accident in a hotel, [...]

By |November 28, 2022|Categories: Blog|0 Comments

Distracted Driving Accidents Caused by Teens: a Real Problem

The number one leading cause of death for teenagers is car crashes, even as the total number of fatal crashes has fallen dramatically since the 1990s. Teens often make bad choices behind the wheel because their brains do not develop fully until they are in their mid-20’s. In particular, one common bad choice that many young people make is to become distracted as they drive. reported on teen distracted driving recently and indicated that many of the current statistics on distraction among teen drivers significantly understate the true risk. Many more teens may be distracted by various causes than is [...]

By |November 28, 2022|Categories: Blog|0 Comments

Tougher Laws are Needed to Prevent Car Crashes

The World Health Organization has put forth Sustainable Development Goals, many of which have recently been adopted by leaders throughout the world. One of the most important goals set forth by the World Health Organization (WHO) is to cut in half the number of injuries and fatalities resulting from road traffic crashes. The aim is to cut in half the number of deaths by 2020 by making smart changes to current rules and regulations.  The United States, in particular, is one of the countries that WHO believes is not currently following best practices for road safety. Traffic crashes are [...]

By |November 28, 2022|Categories: Blog|0 Comments

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