Why You Need Adequate Auto Insurance
After a car accident, there are three primary questions that Janesville injury lawyer Steve Caya asks clients. The first relates to who was at fault, based on the facts of the accident. Determining fault allows crash victims to determine who should pay for losses. The second question concerns the extent of harm the crash caused. The third question — which is one of the most important — relates to who must pay for losses. The answer to this third question should be the insurer whose policyholder caused the crash pays for losses. Too often, however, drivers at fault for [...]
How Does Distracted Driving Affect the Brain?
Distracted driving has become one of the major causes of accidents, and victims who get hurt by a driver who is not paying attention can experience significant losses. A Janesville auto accident lawyer represents victims of distracted driving accidents and provides assistance in pursuing a claim for compensation so monetary damages can be received for economic and non-financial losses. Drivers who want to avoid liability and keep themselves, their passengers and other motorists safe should be aware of the risks associated with distracted driving and commit to focusing on the road at all times. Unfortunately, many motorists have the [...]
How the 5-To-Drive Campaign Can Help Reduce Teen Accidents
Teenage drivers have limited behind-the-wheel experience and often take unnecessary risks. This troubling combination explains why teen car crashes are a leading cause of fatalities among young people. A teen driver who makes unsafe choices endangers himself, other passengers and every other motorist on the road. Victims injured in a crash can speak with a Steve Caya, a Beloit car accident lawyer, to pursue a case against a teen driver who has caused harm. When a case is made against a teen driver, it is generally the insurance company that actually pays for losses. However, crash prevention should be a [...]
Inadequate Security Can Lead to Injuries and Fatalities
In June of 2014, a man entered a first-floor apartment through a sliding glass door and committed a murder. The accused man who committed the crime has pled not guilty and will face criminal charges. The parents of the victim believe the criminal who stabbed the apartment owner to death is not the only one responsible. The victim was a young pastry chef, and her parents believe that her death was caused, in part, by inadequate security at her apartment. They claim reasonable security precautions were not taken, adequate locks and keys were not provided, and the lighting at [...]
Harsher fines can help prevent more truck crashes
Truck accidents frequently occur because of mistakes that drivers make or because trucking companies do not adequately follow regulations. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has established rules designed to prevent high-risk behavior and to require best practices for safety that can reduce the risk accidents will happen. The FMCSA also imposes fines when trucking safety rules are violated. Trucking Info reports that these fines have changed recently and the FMCSA will be imposing harsher penalties when rules and regulations are not followed. Trucking companies may have more incentive to follow the rules and ensure their drivers do as well, [...]
Preventing Drunk Driving Accidents Through Technological Advancements
After drunk driving convictions, motorists may be required to install ignition interlock devices in their vehicles as a condition of the return of their license to drive. These ignition interlock devices check the driver’s blood alcohol concentration (BAC) before it is possible for the driver to turn on the car. Mothers Against Drunk Driving has indicated the installation of an ignition interlock device reduces the chance of a repeat drunk driving conviction by 2/3rds when the device is installed. This makes sense, since a person cannot drive drunk if he is unable to start his vehicle with a BAC above-the-limit. [...]
Defective Product Risks: What Types of Recalls Occur
If defective products are sold to the public, the products can be very dangerous. Serious injury or even death can occur because of vehicles that malfunction, drugs or medical devices with surprise side effects and toys with dangerous components or parts. Almost any type of product you use in your daily life could hurt you if there is a problem and it malfunctions in a dangerous way. If you do suffer injury because of a problem with products you use, a Janesville personal injury attorney can help you pursue a claim against the manufacturer to recover full compensation for [...]
Pets and Distracted Driving on Summer Road Trips
Many pet owners who are planning on taking a summer road trip will be bringing their animals in the car with them on their vacation. According to CBS, 38 percent of people who owns pets say they bring the animals with them on car trips, including when they go on vacation. These pets, however, can cause problems in the car. While most people think of distracted driving as a phenomenon that happens when people use cell phones, animals can also be a major distraction behind the wheel that significantly increases the risk of a motor vehicle accident. Having an [...]
Pedal Error Can Be a Cause of Motor Vehicle Crashes
Sudden acceleration has been described as a mechanical problem in vehicles, causing the car to move forward rapidly and unexpectedly. Recent reports from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, however, indicate that mechanical errors have not been the cause of reported sudden acceleration incidents. Instead, pedal error has been the factor resulting in the vehicle suddenly and rapidly accelerating. Pedal error can occur when drivers make mistakes. In some cases, this can be classified as driver negligence, and it can result in a civil lawsuit against the motorist who made the error. A Janesville auto accident lawyer can provide legal [...]
Alcohol and Marijuana Use Increase Drunk Driving Risks
Motorists who are drunk behind the wheel may be twice as likely to become involved in a car accident than someone sober, depending upon the level of alcohol consumed. Even with a blood alcohol concentration of .05 percent, which is below the legal limit, a motorist is already impaired enough to increase crash risks. Groups like Mothers Against Drunk Driving have been tremendously successful at helping people realize the dangers of driving impaired, and the chances of a DUI crash have declined significantly since the 1970s. Despite this, around 10,000 people are killed each year in DUI crashes. Unfortunately, [...]
How Graduated Driver Licenses Help Keep More Teenagers Safe from Car Crashes
Graduated driver’s licenses are now the standard throughout the United States, including in Beloit. The first graduated licensing program in the United States was implemented in 1996 in the state of Florida. Because the program was successful at helping keep teenagers safer, every state and D.C. have now adopted graduated licensing programs although the rules are not standard throughout the U.S. Teens are the age group with the least driving experience and are the demographic group most likely to take unnecessary risks behind the wheel, especially with friends in the car. Young people could hurt or kill themselves, their [...]
Apple Watch: Is It Going to Make Distracted Driving Worse?
The Apple watch is the first smart watch to likely reach the mainstream and not just appeal to early adopters who love to try out all things new. According to Consumer Reports, the Apple Watch is expected to sell around 15 million units over the course of 2015 and consumers are expected to buy a total of around 28 million smart watches within this year. The smart watches are intended to keep you in constant contact with your friends and family. They can vibrate on your wrist or otherwise alert you to the arrival of an email, a new Facebook [...]
10 Days When Collisions are Most Likely to Occur
Driving is always a potential risk because many motorists make careless choices that result in auto accidents. There are, however, certain days of the year when there tend to be more people on the roads or when there is a greater chance that drivers will be impaired by alcohol. These are the most dangerous days when there are significantly more accidents than at any other time. No matter what day of the year it is, there is no excuse for careless driving. A Janesville auto accident lawyer can provide legal representation to victims who are injured in a crash because of [...]
Impaired Driving: Drugged Driving on the Rise
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) conducts periodic roadside surveys in order to determine the number of impaired people on the roads. In the past 40 years, five different surveys have been completed in which drivers had their blood tested for alcohol and/or drug impairment. It should be noted, however, that the studies are voluntary and motorists who participate and who are found to be impaired are not arrested. The 2014 roadside survey data has now been released by the NHTSA and it contains mixed news. The good news is that the number of motorists driving under the influence of [...]
Automobile Crashes: Reducing Fatalities with Technology
Vehicle technologies do not always prevent motor vehicle accidents from happening. As AOL Autos cautions, drivers should not rely too much on lane departure warning systems or rearview cameras because these systems can sometimes fail or be ineffective… under especially dangerous conditions. However, while crash reduction tech doesn’t always prevent accidents from happening, in-vehicle safety features can make it less likely that a crash will be fatal. When an accident occurs and causes injury, determining the cause is key. While other drivers are often to blame, car manufacturers can also be held responsible in situations where a vehicle has a defect. [...]
Inattention Blindness Puts Kids at Risk of Pedestrian Deaths
Young children are one of the two groups most likely to be killed in a pedestrian crash. The elderly are the other. Motorists need to be aware of young children on the roads and pay careful attention to avoid a collision. While young people also need to do their part in looking both ways before crossing the road, children’s brains may actually be less capable of identifying when a vehicle is approaching them unexpectedly. This means if a driver runs a red light, fails to yield the right-of-way or otherwise makes an unexpected and unsafe move in his vehicle, [...]
Why Speed Limits Don’t Prevent Collision Fatalities
When a vehicle is traveling at a fast rate of speed, the driver of that vehicle is more likely to lose control and cause a collision. When collisions involve fast-moving automobiles, the impact from the crash is greater and injuries or fatalities are more likely to occur. For example, according to FiveThirtyEight, a pedestrian who is hit by a car going 23 miles an hour has only a 10 percent chance of being killed. If the vehicle is going 32 miles per hour, which is well within the speed limit in most places, the pedestrian has a 25 percent chance [...]
Eating and Driving
Distracted driving has become one of the leading causes of motor vehicle collisions. There are a number of different behaviors that are considered to cause distraction behind the wheel. One of the top behaviors that has been identified as being dangerous is eating while driving. Many motorists are not aware of the risks associated with consuming food or drinks as they drive, and most believe that this common behavior is acceptable. The reality, however, is that food presents a major distraction and the crash risk rises significantly if drivers are paying attention to eating or drinking instead of focusing [...]
When Is a Vehicle a Total Loss?
After a motor vehicle collision has occurred, a Beloit car accident lawyer can help you recover compensation. You should be fully compensated for any injuries that occur, provided you can prove the cause of the collision was another driver’s negligence. You should also receive compensation for property damage to your vehicle. Insurance companies will pay for the repairs of your car in most situations after a crash. However, there are times when your vehicle is too badly damaged to be repaired. Your car will thus be declared a total loss. You do not necessarily have the opportunity to decide whether [...]
Tort Reform Damages Victims & The Health Care System
In Wisconsin, victims of medical negligence have their damages capped. According to Wisconsin Statute section 893.55, a victim may receive no more than $750,000 in compensation for non-economic losses after a medical mistake has occurred. This means if a jury awards a victim of medical negligence $1 million in compensatory damages, this award will be reduced to $750,000. While victims can still be compensated with the help of a skilled attorney, the cap on damages significantly limits their right to fully recover for their losses. A medical mistake can have a catastrophic effect on a person’s life, changing his quality [...]