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Motorcycle Accidents with Deer in Wisconsin – Who Pays?

Will insurance pay for injuries & vehicle damage after a deer crash on your bike? Not if they don’t have to. How to improve your odds of getting fair compensation after a motorcycle deer accident. You may be powerless to avoid a deer crash, but you can act now to learn your rights for compensation. Motorcycle accidents with deer, moose, dogs or other animals are all too common in Wisconsin, and can easily cause serious injury or death. You can follow the rules of the road, obey the speed limit, wear a helmet and still wind up hitting a deer. Wisconsin tort [...]

By |November 28, 2022|Categories: Blog|0 Comments

Tips for Keeping Children Safe from Dog Bites

According to the American Veterinary Medical Association more than 800,000 Americans receive medical attention for dog bites every year. Of these individuals, children are by far the most common victim and often are the most likely to be severely injured. Most dog bites occur when interacting with familiar dogs, either a family pet, or a pet at a friend, neighbor or relatives home. These incidents occur most frequently during the summer season when families tend to spend more time outside with pets. So how can you protect yourself and your children from dog bites this summer? Here are some simple [...]

By |November 28, 2022|Categories: Blog|0 Comments

New Study Reveals Impact of Weaker Mandatory Motorcycle Helmet Laws

In 2012, Michigan replaced a universal motorcycle helmet law by passing a partial mandatory motorcycle helmet law. The new law only required helmets for drivers under 21 that still had a learner’s permit and had been driving for less than two years. Unlike the partial helmet law, universal helmet laws require mandatory helmets for all motorcycle riders. Michigan was the latest of several states to lower the standard for helmet laws across the country. Failing to wear a helmet on a motorcycle puts you at unnecessary risk. However, as motorcycle injuries continue to play a major role in traffic-related [...]

By |November 28, 2022|Categories: Blog|0 Comments

Will Driverless Cars Make Janesville Roads Safer?

According to the National Safety Council, an estimated 38,300 people were killed in car accidents in 2015, with another 4.4 million left injured. In 2016, 18 individuals died in Janesville traffic accidents alone. Of the people who were killed last year, distracted driving behaviors were reported as the number one cause for car accidents. Transportation and research innovation expert, Peter Sweatman, explains how the increase in distracted driving incidents may be due to the fact that humans are not wired to effectively monitor tasks such as driving a car. To help address this problem, many automotive companies such as [...]

By |November 28, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Will the New “Textalyzer” Device Help Prevent Distracted Traffic Accidents?

On December 2nd of 2015, two Tennessee buses engaged in a major collision that killed 2 young girls and an aspiring teacher. It was later discovered that James Davenport, one of the bus drivers, had sent and received several texts leading up to the collision. While this story is certainly tragic, it is not a stand-alone incident. A recent study showed that nine Americans are killed every day from distracted driving car accidents, that include behaviors such as using a smartphones, texting while driving, and eating. According to to the National Highway & Transportation Administration (NHTSA), drivers who are texting while driving have [...]

By |November 28, 2022|Categories: Blog|0 Comments

Wisconsin: USA’s 4th Most Dangerous State for Drunk Driving

According to a study by, Wisconsin ranks as the fourth most dangerous state for drunk driving. The study looks at multiple factors causing drunk driving including: level of alcohol consumption, severity of DUI laws, cost per drunk driving fatality and number of DUI arrests. The overall findings of the study show that North Dakota had the worst combination for drunk driving and, despite efforts to curb drunk driving, Wisconsin ranked as the fourth worst state for drunk driving, putting residents at a very high risk of a drunk driving accident. Some of the factors that lead Wisconsin into the [...]

By |November 28, 2022|Categories: Blog|0 Comments

Keeping Kids Safe Around Cars Off the Road

According to statistics provided by the Kids and Cars foundation, the most prominent cause of death for children involved with non-traffic related car accidents is being backed over by a vehicle. A new campaign created in collaboration with the California Kids’ Plates program aims to decrease these deaths and the total number of non-traffic related car accidents by promoting vehicle safety on and off the road. By educating parents about ways to talk to kids about car safety, the initiative helps spread awareness about the possible risks of non-traffic related accidents. To keep your children safe on and off the road, the campaign [...]

By |November 28, 2022|Categories: Blog|0 Comments

5 Ways to Avoid Bicycle Collisions

The winter season is ending and warmer weather lays ahead which means bikers across Wisconsin are preparing to get their bikes back on the road. As you dust off your seats and tune up your bikes, now is also a good time to sharpen up on some key bike safety tips to protect yourself on the road. Although wearing a helmet remains a necessity, there are several other equally important safety tips to keep in mind as you get back on the road. To keep the roads as safe as possible remember these important bike safety tips. Keep yourself visible. To [...]

By |November 28, 2022|Categories: Blog|0 Comments

Increased Speed Limits Fuel Debates on Traffic Safety Initiatives

In recent years, speed limits across the country have been on the rise. The fastest speed limits in the country can be found in Texas where many major roads now have an 85-mph speed limit. As traffic-related deaths continue to rise, some officials argue increased speed limits only add to the growing danger on the roads. Since major budget cuts have limited the number of patrol cars available to enforce already high speed limits, drivers are less likely to consistently adhere to safe speeds on the road. Traffic safety advisors continue to cite excessive speed on the roads as [...]

By |November 28, 2022|Categories: Blog|0 Comments

Unbuckled Seat Belts and Excessive Speed Continue to Threaten Driver Safety on the Roads

Despite increased initiatives and efforts to curb traffic-related deaths, recent statistics released by the National Security Council estimate 40,200 people died in traffic related deaths in 2016. The newly released statistics show a 7 percent increase from 2015 and mark the second consecutive year in which traffic-related deaths have increased. New technologies have enhanced vehicle safety dramatically over the years and stricter traffic laws have been passed nation-wide. However, traffic-related deaths continue to climb. As officials look towards finding a solution, some safety advocates point to long-established dangers on the road including: alcohol, unbuckled seat belts and excessive speeding. Jonathan Adkins, [...]

By |November 28, 2022|Categories: Blog|0 Comments

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