Welcome to My New Rock County Personal Injury Website

Dear Friends,

I am very excited at the unveiling of my new website. I will be including a blog post at least twice a month. Unlike most Personal Injury website blogs, I will actually be writing this blog. I won’t be contracting out for some pre-written canned articles discussing a class action lawsuit dealing with bad dog food or the latest 350 million dollar anti-trust verdict in California. Why? Because I want this website to be real, educational, informative and relevant to my practice and the people I am privileged to represent.

After practicing law for over 23 years, I have come to realize the people we lawyers hope to serve are woefully misinformed concerning the justice system generally and the jury system in particular. I have also come to realize that we lawyers who serve those who have been injured through the fault of others have an obligation to educate the public concerning important matters that can impact the quality of their lives should they ever be involved in an accident that results in serious injury or death. I want to educate you the readers of this blog on topics such as recent changes in Wisconsin law that greatly impact your automobile and motorcycle coverages. I want to give you my recommendations concerning the type of insurance you need BEFORE you get in a serious accident. Giving you my recommendations after you or a loved one have been involved in a serious accident might be too late. I also want to talk about cases that I have worked on or am working on that may be of interest to you. Occasionally, I may just talk about something more personal such as my latest motorcycle ride or a great bar or restaurant I have discovered in my travels.

I also will try and dispel some of the myths that are out there concerning personal injury law and personal injury lawyers. We are often called “ambulance chasers” by those who don’t understand what we do. I will be the first to admit there are some in my profession who are worthy of the term ”ambulance chaser” and I personally believe much of the lawyer advertising we see on television is negatively affecting our profession, our client’s expectations and our jury pools. I want to talk about how we as lawyers can serve a vital role in protecting your future or your family’s future when you or a loved one have suffered serious injuries due to the negligence of another.

Most importantly, I want to be a resource for you the readers of this blog. I want to answer questions you may have if you or a loved one have been injured in an accident. I want to help you successfully navigate through a legal system that you probably have little experience with personally. I also hope to be that lawyer who can stand up for you against insurance companies who don’t have your best interests in mind after you have been seriously injured in an accident.

Drop by once in awhile. Thanks for listening.

Contact me today for a free consultation.

We take winning personally.

Let’s get you EVERYTHING you’re owed.

2 1/2 Years ago my life was turned upside-down. I called lawyer after lawyer that never cared to call me back until I called Steven Caya's office and they got back to me right away. When he said he would take my case it was such a sigh of relief. Steven and his team were there for me every step of the way after my accident and I never felt left out. They always kept me so informed! I'm hoping I will never need them again but if I did I would 100% go back! Thank you all so much for your care and support during such a rough time!!

Andrea Perrault Avatar Andrea Perrault
Welcome to My New Rock County Personal Injury Website
Top Car Accident Lawyer in Janesville

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