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Janesville Youth Baseball & Softball

Janesville Youth Baseball & Softball

Steve Caya growing up with Janesville baseball

Steve Caya growing up with Janesville baseball

Steve Caya and the personal injury team at Nowlan Law are proud to sponsor the Janesville Youth Baseball & Softball Association (JYBSA).

Giving back to the community is a huge honor for Steve, particularly youth organizations like this one. Some of Steve’s best years growing up were playing ball! You can see him in the picture on the right. He played for the People’s State Bank Colts from 1973-75 and for the VFW Club Pirates from 1976-1978.

This local organization offers affordable League play all summer during the week for ages 6-15. Some kids will develop enough to play travel ball with the Janesville Jays on the weekends. Winter workouts are available for kids depending on age and team.

The sports complex holds 12 diamonds and is one of the best facilities in the state to play ball. It sees well over a thousand families a year!

Janesville Youth Baseball & Softball Links:

Steve Caya sponsorship sign on one of JYBSA fields

Steve Caya sponsorship sign on one of the JYBSA fields

Join us in supporting this fantastic organization!

You can make a donation, or your business can become a sponsor HERE.

To see the current season’s schedule, click HERE.

Be sure to follow the group on Facebook HERE.

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