Drowsy Driving Risks: New Car Insurance Survey Reveals Drowsiness is the #1 Problem
Drivers do many different things on the road that can increase the risk of a collision. Recently, carinsurance.com surveyed 2,000 drivers, and asking if they ever drove despite knowing that it was not safe for them to do so. Almost half of all drivers– 46 percent– said that they had driven at least once or twice when they did not think it was safe. Eleven percent said they had gotten behind the wheel between three and 10 times despite concerns about safety, and three percent said they had done this more than 10 times.
The drivers who chose to operate their vehicles when it was not safe to do so had a variety of different reasons for being concerned about their ability to drive. However, the number one reason that they felt they might be unsafe to drive was because they were overly drowsy or fatigued.
Reports suggest that a drowsy driver may be just as dangerous as an impaired driver who has consumed alcohol. Victims injured by a drowsy driver should consult with a Janesville auto accident lawyer for help pursuing a claim for monetary compensation if an accident occurs, as the drowsy driver can be found liable.
Drowsy Driving Risks
Among the drivers who said that they had driven despite concerns about safety, a full 68 percent indicated that they drove while they were sleepy. Most of these drivers were likely well aware of just how high-risk it is to drive when fatigued. In fact, 60 percent of respondents to the very same survey said that they thought it should be illegal to drive drowsy. Yet, even knowing of the dangers, the drivers got behind the wheel anyway.
Other top causes of concern for the drivers who admitted to driving when it was not safe included driving with a headache; driving when sick enough to be in bed; driving because they were not quite as drunk as a friend; and driving without contact lenses or glasses. Finally, some motorists drove either after taking narcotics or when they had their arm in a cast.
According to the results, the drivers who chose to drive even knowing that they weren’t in top shape did so because they felt they had a pressing need to get behind the wheel. Twenty-one percent said that they drove because they had to get to work, while 13 percent drove because they needed to go home from someplace. Four percent said that they drove in order to go to the doctor, and three percent had to pick up their children.
Not Worth the Risk
While these may seem like important reasons for people to drive, none of these are justifications for getting behind the wheel when overtired. Driving while fatigued results in delayed reaction time, impaired judgment and other cognitive and physical handicaps that undermine the ability to operate a vehicle safely. Passengers, including children, could pay the price if a drowsy driver causes a collision. Others on the road could be harmed as well, and Janesville auto accident lawyer Steve Caya at Nowlan and Mouat LLP,can help victims to pursue a claim for compensation.
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