The Effectiveness of Rearview Cameras in Collision Prevention
Each week in the United States, around 50 children are backed over by a motor vehicle. According to Kids and Cars, accidents in which children are run over by reversing vehicles send around 48 kids to the emergency room weekly and result in two deaths of children each week. These types of deadly accidents are called backover accidents and victims affected by the collisions should speak with a Janesville auto accident lawyer for assistance. Unfortunately, many backover collisions involve a driver who is either a parent or another very close relative of the child who is injured or killed in the crash. There is [...]
Preventing Collisions: Establishing a Workplace Cell Phone Policy
With the ever-increasing use of mobile technology, people are never fully away from work. It is very common for employees to have work cell phones and to answer emails or phone calls any time of the day or night. Employees may also have personal cell phones that they use to talk or text, sometimes when they are on-the-job. Since so many people are using mobile phones, the risk of distracted driving accidents has increased dramatically. This is a huge, constant problem, but it is especially problematic in situations where someone is at work when the accident happens. When a car [...]
Defective Airbags Can Result in Injury to Drivers
Takata manufactures airbags for 10 major automobile manufacturers throughout the United States. Unfortunately, many of the airbags produced were defective, according to Consumer Reports. The airbags may explode, sending shrapnel throughout the vehicle and potentially into the driver and passengers. An estimated four fatalities and hundreds of additional injuries may be linked to the problems with the Takata airbags. Manufacturers must be held accountable for releasing defective and dangerous products to the public. A personal injury attorney can assist the victims of accidents caused by defective airbags with filing a claim to recover compensation for losses. Victims do not have [...]
The NHTSA is Under Review for Failing to Prevent Collisions
The job of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is to “help prevent crashes and their attendant costs, both human and financial.” The federal agency was established in 1970 and is tasked with overseeing efforts to improve motor vehicle and highway safety. Unfortunately, according to Auto News, a bipartisan group of lawmakers on the House Energy and Commerce Committee have recently written a letter asking the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to look into whether the NHTSA is actually doing what it should to be effective at protecting the public. The concerns of the Committee members stem, in part, from recent high-profile vehicle [...]
Steven Caya Releases New Book for Injured Accident Victims
Steven T. Caya, a Janesville injury lawyer, is pleased to announce the publication of a new book entitled, “Injured in America? Ten of America’s Leading Personal Injury Attorneys Share Their Wisdom.” In writing this book, Mr. Caya collaborated with nine top injury attorneys from different parts of the United States, all of whom provide representation to clients with a number of different types of injury claims. Like Mr. Caya, the nine other personal injury lawyers who worked together to provide this resource for injured victims have helped many clients successfully navigate life after accidents have occurred. As legal advocates [...]
Janesville Injury Lawyer Collaborates on Book for Injury Victims
As an injury lawyer in Janesville, Steven T. Caya frequently represents clients facing a difficult time after suffering an injury or losing a loved one. In addition to coping with pain, victims often experience confusion and fear about what their life will be like after the injury, how they will afford their medical treatment and what their rights are under the law. Victims of injuries need information, and Steven T. Caya is committed to providing the advice clients need when seeking legal representation. For some accident victims, however, learning about life after a collision requires more than just talking [...]
Study Shows More Collision Victims are Hiring Car Accident Lawyers
Recent studies have revealed that more auto injury claimants are getting legal help from attorneys. Hiring a Janesville car accident lawyer is a smart option after a collision, as an attorney can negotiate with insurers, investigate your collision and put together a compelling case for a jury if the case goes to court. A July 2014 study conducted by the Insurance Research Council demonstrates that more crash victims are recognizing the importance of legal representation. What the Study Revealed In 1977, only 17 percent of victims involved in car accidents sought legal help from a car accident lawyer when [...]
Distracted Driving: A Significant Risk in School Zones
Distracted driving is a dangerous practice that can significantly increase the chances of a motor vehicle collision occurring. reports that 3,328 fatalities in 2012 were caused by distracted drivers and warns that using a hand-held device triples the risk of becoming involved in a collision. Unfortunately, despite the known dangers of driving while distracted, far too many people engage in this risky behavior while traveling through school zones. School zones exist to keep children safe as they commute to and from class, and drivers who are distracted in these areas jeopardize the lives of those children. If a collision occurs [...]
Study Shows Link Between Traumatic Brain Injury and Dementia
Top causes of head trauma include sporting accidents; motor vehicle collisions; slip and falls; violence and combat injuries. Unfortunately, numerous studies have demonstrated that a brain injury can have lifelong consequences. When the head injury is caused by a negligent driver or other careless individual or company, the victims harmed should consult with a Janesville brain injury attorney. One recent study further confirms that a traumatic brain injury (TBI) can significantly increase the risk of Alzheimer’s. Victims need to be fully compensated for any head injuries they endure, and should take the long-term effects of brain injury into account [...]
The Role of Parents in Teen Distracted Driving
Most people would assume that teens who are distracted behind the wheel are talking or texting with their friends on a cell phone. A new study, however, shows that there are many young people who are actually speaking to their parents while on the road. Talking on a cell phone can significantly increase the risk of a young driver causing a crash that injures himself or others. A Janesville injury lawyer should be consulted by victims of collisions caused by distracted teen drivers. Parents and Distracted Teen Driving Crashes Today Health reported on a disturbing new study showing that parents [...]
How Will My Wage Loss be Covered After My Accident?
Unfortunately, accident victims are often unable to return to work immediately after an accident. In some serious cases, the accident victim may be off work for months. In catastrophic cases, the accident victim may never be able to return to work. What rights do accident victims have under Wisconsin Law with respect to lost wages and loss of future earnings? Under Wisconsin Law, accident victims who suffer wage loss have a number of options depending on available insurance and the circumstances of the accident. If your accident arises out of the scope and course of your employment, your wage loss [...]
How Will My Medical Expenses Be Paid After My Accident?
Even a “minor” motor vehicle accident can result in thousands of dollars in medical costs. A post accident ambulance ride to the emergency room will likely cost around $800. Standard Emergency room care including x-rays and an MRI can cost $3000-5000. Many clients are understandably concerned about how these bills will be paid after an accident. Let me try and give you some general tips on payment of post accident medical bills. First, do not be fooled in to thinking the at fault driver’s insurer will pay these bills immediately. Rarely, does that occur. The insurer for the at fault [...]
Who is a Better Driver: Men or Women?
Both men and women frequently insist that their own gender is more capable behind the wheel. Unfortunately, there are no easy answers to whether men are better drivers than women or vice versa. Insurance companies seem to have answered this question by coming down in favor of the women. Insurance companies set premiums for the cost of automobile insurance based on the expected risk that someone will become involved in a collision. Insurers charge men much more than they charge women, which suggests that the analyses insurers have done have led them to believe men are higher risk. When [...]
Drowsy Driving Risks: New Car Insurance Survey Reveals Drowsiness is the #1 Problem
Drivers do many different things on the road that can increase the risk of a collision. Recently, surveyed 2,000 drivers, and asking if they ever drove despite knowing that it was not safe for them to do so. Almost half of all drivers– 46 percent– said that they had driven at least once or twice when they did not think it was safe. Eleven percent said they had gotten behind the wheel between three and 10 times despite concerns about safety, and three percent said they had done this more than 10 times. The drivers who chose to [...]
Staying Safe in the 100 Deadliest Days
Summertime: the weather is warm, teens are out of school, there are several long holiday weekends and many Americans like to travel and take vacations. Unfortunately, all of this adds up to more people, and more inexperienced drivers, on the roads. Crowded streets and drivers who don’t make smart choices have resulted in the period from Memorial Day to Labor Day earning the nickname of the “100 Deadliest Days.” In 2012, almost 1,000 people were killed in crashes with teen drivers during the 100 Deadliest Days. Victims who are involved in an accident need to understand their rights to pursue [...]
Teen Driving Behavior and Motor Vehicle Accident Risks
Teen drivers are involved in more collisions than other motorists on the road and are more likely to die from motor vehicle accidents. In fact, there were 2,439 teenagers killed in U.S. auto accidents in 2012 and just over half of the victims were the ones driving when they lost their lives. In total, 56 percent of teens killed in collisions were driving at the time and the remaining 44 percent were passengers when the fatal accident occurred. The General Motors Foundation recently conducted a study to take a closer look at why so many teenagers were dying in [...]
Older Accident Victims Could Face More Serious Spinal Damage
Spinal cord damage typically causes permanent injuries that can lead to huge medical bills over the course of your life. As the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report, the average annual medical costs for a person with spinal cord damage can total between $15,000 and $30,000 each year and the estimated lifetime cost of treating a spinal cord injury can exceed $3 million. The costs should be covered by the person or company who caused the spinal cord injury to occur, and a Janesville injury lawyer can help victims to pursue a damage claim. The more severe the spinal [...]
Could This New Technology Help Stop Drunk Drivers?
Drunk drivers are a danger to everyone on the road, from other motorists to pedestrians to passengers. While a Janesville auto accident lawyer can help victims of drunk driving collisions to obtain compensation after an accident, nothing can bring back your health if a drunk driver hurts you. Unfortunately, many drunk drivers are not caught when they are driving impaired, which means they continue to stay on the roads and often repeat their bad behavior. In fact, Mothers Against Drunk Driving indicates that by the time a drunk driver is caught and arrested, he or she has already driven while impaired at [...]
Death Rate for Bicyclists and Pedestrians Has Increased
The death rate for bicyclists and pedestrians has increased a disturbing amount in recent years, even as the overall number of motor vehicle collision fatalities has decreased. In fact, according to USA Today, there was a 15 percent increase in fatalities of bicyclists and pedestrians over just a three-year period of time, while there was a three percent decline in other types of road deaths. Experts have indicated they are not certain why the increase occurred. One problem may simply be that more people were walking and biking during the period of time when deaths increased. Poor economic conditions [...]
Dangerous Pattern of Sleeping Pill Use Could Increase the Risk of Collisions
When most people think of drunk or drugged driving accidents, they think of excessive consumption of alcohol or the use of illegal drugs. Unfortunately, many of the clients who seek help from a Janesville car accident lawyer were injured in accidents not with someone who used illegal drugs but instead with individuals who were hurt by a driver impaired by prescription or over-the-counter medication. Pills that are prescribed by doctors or sold in pharmacies can still have side effects that cause drowsiness or distraction and that make it impossible to drive safely. Just because these medications are legal to [...]