Why are Motorcyclists Riding without Insurance?

Why are Motorcyclists Riding without Insurance?

If you have read any of my blogs, you will see that the topic that is of greatest importance to me is the issue of insurance. I have received another phone call from a potential client who was involved in a serious motorcycle accident that illustrates why this subject is vital to motorcyclists, or anyone else, injured in an accident.

This poor guy was severely injured when a young woman turned left in front of his motorcycle. He suffered numerous fractures that required a series of surgeries and extended in-patient treatment. He has over $300,000 in medical bills. Worse yet, THIS MOTORCYCLE ACCIDENT VICTIM HAS NO INSURANCE!!!! He has no health insurance, he has no uninsured motorist coverage, he has no underinsured motorist coverage. On top of all this, the woman who hit him has the minimum policy limits allowed in Wisconsin, $25,000.

So what happens to this poor guy?

This fella asked me if he needed a lawyer. I said no and yes. I told him he will not need a lawyer to handle his motorcycle accident case because the at fault driver’s insurer will hand over the $25,000 as soon as he asks for the limits. I told him he will require a lawyer to handle the medical bankruptcy he is going to need to file in order to get out from under all of these bills. Sad. Severely injured and facing the consequences of bankruptcy.

This all could have been avoided if he had simply purchased adequate insurance for himself. Any operator of any vehicle, but ESPECIALLY MOTORCYCLISTS, must have adequate uninsured/underinsured coverage to protect themselves in case of an accident with an uninsured/underinsured motorist.

Contact me today for a free consultation.

We take winning personally.

Let’s get you EVERYTHING you’re owed.

Steve Caya and his legal team are the exact perfect matches that you will definitely want on your side after an accident to assure you that you get compensated for your injuries.They are professional, compassionate and very effective at a great outcome even in a difficult case like I hired them for. I am extremely happy with how it ended. I would highly recommend them to anybody looking for representation after an accident to deal with insurance companies.

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Top Car Accident Lawyer in Janesville

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