Premises Liability

Premises liability is a form of negligence if the property owner neglected to check their property was safe for visitors.

Examples of Premises Liability

Under premises liability, property owners are held responsible for maintaining good conditions through ordinary care. If the property owner fails to reduce and eliminate unreasonable risks of harm, they can be held liable for any injuries that occur to visitors on their property.

Examples of unsafe conditions include:

  • Wet floors
  • Unsecured rugs/carpets
  • Loose or broken floorboards
  • Icy or snowy parking lots
  • Inadequate premises maintenance
  • Uncontrolled crowding
  • Defective conditions of facilities
  • Unsafe elevators or escalators
  • Toxic chemicals or fumes
  • Unsafe conditions from inadequate building security

First Steps for Premises Liability Victims

It is important to note that just because you sustained damages on someone else’s property, this does not mean that you have a premises liability case. This is why it is important to reach out to me as soon as possible. I can offer you a free consultation to explore your specific situation.

Insurance companies know my name. They know I have over 33 years of personal injury experience and that I’m not going to fall for any of their usual tactics.

I maintain a no win, no fee policy so if I’m unable to win your case, you owe me nothing.

We take winning personally.

Let’s get you EVERYTHING you’re owed.

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Premises Liability Injury Lawyers
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